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Defining Who You Are

What defines you as a person? Do you have firm principles and moral absolutes? There is a growing trend toward relativism, where people believe in certain things at certain times, changing for each situation. It is increasingly easy to be swayed by current opinion and forget what is important to you.

It can be easy to see the merits of changing perspectives. A lot of this change comes with growth and with a greater understanding of the world. In many cases, this is good and a part of becoming a better man. Thomas Jefferson put it well when he talked about a similar point. “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”

We as Christians do have foundational principles that should never change. We have places where we should stand like a rock and they are integral to Christian leadership.

What are the things that you value in life? It is an important question for determining your principles. Your values often reflect your deepest held notions of how the world should work and how you fit within it. So think about your values, the things that are important and that have a sense of being unchanging. As our God is unchanging, these are often a reflection of who He is.

It may be easier to think of who you are inspired by or who you respect the most in your life. Instead of thinking of the abstract principles, think about the people who embody them. Is it a parent or grandparent? Is it a notable figure like a president or evangelist? It is an elder or a pastor? Who motivates you to be a better man?

Actually sit down and think about who these people are. Then think about why you respect them. It is a good exercise in distilling down what you value. Keep breaking down these thoughts of why you have chosen these people and you will start to see patterns. Break it down to a few important ideas, even a few specific words or characteristics.

Are they patient or generous? Do you volunteer or give of themselves for others? Do they live out Jesus’s message of loving their neighbor or do they consistently glorify God in what they do? All of these are examples of principles to follow and things that you can work on applying to your life.

Knowing your principles and values is vital to successful leadership. I am not just talking about having a general idea of what is important to you. I am talking about actually knowing. Without a proper understanding of your values, your path will often be uncertain and you may stray. Knowing your values gives you direction and purpose.

Each one of us is different. Even as Christians, who have similar values and ideas of proper living, we have different points of emphasis. These can reflect our strengths or can be the areas we most want to work on. What is important is that you know which principles are most important to you.

Think of your principles, values, and moral absolutes as the map you are using to lead your people. Whether you are a part of a team, a business group, or simply a group of friends, you need a map to guide you. Not knowing your principles is like not knowing how to read the map. If you are only vaguely aware of your principles, you will only have a vague idea of how to get to your destination. You might know exactly where you want to go, but you won’t know how far it is. You might miss a turn or pack enough supplies to get over a mountain. Knowing your values and principles allows you to curb all of this and be prepared for whatever comes next.

One of the central first steps to leadership is to understand your values and principles. Without this understanding, you may know where to go, but you will never know how to get there. Fortunately, the Bible is filled with great examples of who God calls us to be. Most important of all is the example of Jesus.

If you really want to work on understanding who you are and what your principles are, read through the Gospels and write down what He stood for and demonstrated through His life. You will see sacrificial love and constant service. You will see patience and passion. You will see who God calls you to be. No matter what, know your principles. Know what you value and why. Then you can keep pushing to where God wants you to be and where He wants you to go.


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