Endurance Over Difficulty
The struggle is real. There are good days and bad, opportunities and failures. When we encounter the difficult, those challenges that push and strain us, we can either meet the challenge or falter. What makes the difference?
"Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance."

The greatest among us are not those who have always had the best opportunities or the easiest life. The greatest are those who struggle and grind, day in and day out, only to continue and endure. They keep moving forward, always pursuing. They harness endurance and make it their strength.
Don’t allow yourself to be beaten back by the struggles of life. No matter how difficult, you have God as your strength. And God gives you strength of your own. You are not powerless. Use what God has given you and press on. Conquer every challenge. Pursue every goal. Be one of the greatest.
Go and do God’s work.